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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Essay example

Disadvantages of Living in the City

Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to live in the city. They are willing to leave their homes and migrate to the city because there are plenty of job opportunities and entertainment in the city. However, without them realizing it, there are many disadvantages of living in the city. In my opinion,live in a city have several disadvantages such as the people living in the city have a very busy lifestyle,the city is often flooded by criminal cases and pollution.
Most people living in the city have a very busy lifestyle. They are too busy with their work that they do not have time to spend with their neighbours. Therefore, when there is an emergency such as fire, there are no neighbours to help because they are too busy.There are many people in the city do not know one and another eventhough they live in close place.

Another disadvantages living in the city is not safe because there are a lot of crimes going on.There are many of crimes happening every day in the city, for example, kidnapping, robbery and snatch theif.This threatens the society who lives in the city.

The last is the air and noise pollution in the city is very bad. The air is much polluted because there are a lot of cars in the city,the industry is rapidly developing in cities and many factories are being constructed.It will produce carbondiokside and make air more dirtier.
There is also a lot of noise pollution in the city.Many people can not sleep well at night because of the noise from their neighbours.Therefore,pollution in cities is very obvious when compared with the rural.

In brief, living in the city has its own drawbacks. The city is much polluted, there are lots of crimes and people living in the city are very hectic.We should think carefully before moving into the cities because their decision brings differences in our lives.


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